Minnesota Septic Compliance Company | Certified Septic System Inspection ServicesIf we were all being honest, no normal person really wants or needs to know about Minnesota septic compliance unless they happen to work in the industry, or they are buying or selling a home. Then the googling begins. At Custom Septic, Inc., we want to make things easy for you. We are a Minnesota septic compliance company serving Minnesota, and we are here to help answer all of your questions.

Does Minnesota Require A Professional Inspection Prior to Property Transfer?

Buying or selling a home? This question gets brought up a lot, so we feel like it’s time to put it to bed. Rogers, MN is located in Hennepin county. Unlike many other Minnesota counties, our county does not require a professional inspection before property transfer. However, that does not mean it’s not going to happen. Not only will most mortgage lenders require a septic compliance inspection, Minnesota state law still requires a septic system disclosure be written to the property buyer. Additionally, Rogers, MN is included in the Septic System Inspection Program. This program aims to protect the water of Rogers, MN and prevent illness to our residents here but providing a consistent regulatory system. So long story short, what does this mean? More likely than not, you are going to need a Minnesota septic compliance company that can get the job done right.

Certified Septic System Inspection Services

At Custom Septic, Inc., we provide MPCA licensed septic compliance inspections for both home and business owners. We are most commonly used during real estate transactions, home remodel projects and other various reasons. We perform inspections on both new and old septic systems and can help you discover areas of concern before they become a major problem on your property. As a family-owned business, we provide a comprehensive approach to every aspect of our business. We treat our customers like family by providing everyone with quality service and intentional integrity. We understand how important your home is to you. We will not only perform your inspection but we will handle all aspects of your septic system from start to finish. From brand new septic installation to all types of septic maintenance, repairs and replacements.

If you have any questions regarding your septic system, give your expert Minnesota septic compliance company a call today. For more information, call Custom Septic, Inc., today at (763) 218-4769 or shoot us an email at brad@customseptic.com.