Avoid Sewer System Failure During Holidays

Prepare Septic System Before Holiday Entertaining Anoka MNCelebrating Christmas, New Year’s Eve or any other winter holiday with friends and family is sure to be lots of fun. One thing that can throw a big damper on the celebration is a Sewer System Failure at your home. Several properties in the Anoka MN area use a Septic System to treat sewage and wastewater. The additional water usage that comes with holiday entertaining can be quite taxing on the mini sewage treatment system in your backyard. Be smart and prepare ahead of time by following some simple Tips to Prepare Your Sewer System for Company.

Minnesota Sewage Treatment Specialists at Custom Septic, Inc. (CSI) would like to help you to prevent embarrassing and costly Septic System Problems during the busy holiday season.


10 Tips To Prepare Sewer System for Company

A Septic System is basically a Miniature Sewage Waste Treatment System in your own back yard. It is designed and built to handle an ordinary amount of sewage and household water on a daily basis. Holiday Entertaining will often result in a bigger demand on the system. Below, are some tips on how to prepare your sewer system before company arrives. Look at your own circumstances and decide which tips make the most sense for your home.

  1. Take Shorter Showers to reduce the amount of water in the septic tank.
  1. Don’t Flush Toilet More Than Needed in order to save on demand of sewage treatment system.
  1. Use a Laundromat or Spread Out Laundry over the course of the week.
  1. Don’t Use Antibacterial Soaps that can disrupt the natural process of breaking down sewage inside of septic system.
  1. Only Use Recommended Amount of Cleaning Products that kill off needed bacteria inside of the septic system.
  1. Avoid Running Dishwasher or Garbage Disposal more than necessary to reduce water useage and build-up in septic tank.
  1. Get the Septic Tank Inspected by a licensed septic contractor.
  1. Have Septic Tank Pumped Out if level of solid waste is getting high.
  1. Install More Efficient Plumbing Fixtures like a dual flush toilet or low-flow showerheads and faucets.
  1. Hang Up a Polite Sign requesting that guests avoid flushing items such as facial tissue, diapers, wipes, tampons, cigarettes, dental floss, etc.


MN Sewage Treatment Specialists

As a Sewage Treatment Specialist, Custom Septic Inc. (CSI) is a Minnesota small business that cares about our customers. We want all of our Anoka area clients to enjoy the Holiday Season without worrying about a Sewer System Failure that could wreak havoc on celebrations. Please take the time to think about your septic system and be smart about Preparing Your Sewer System Before the Guests Arrive.

Contact Custom Septic, Inc. (CSI) for Septic Inspections and Repairs by calling 763-218-4769 or use our Online Form. CSI is Licensed, Bonded and Insured.