Prepare Sewer System for MN WinterProtect Sewer Systems From Freezing

Fall is a great time to take preventive steps to Protect Sewer Systems from the freezing cold of a typical Minnesota winter. Homeowners and cabin owners should take the time to make sure their septic system is prepared to Prevent Frozen Sewer Pipes and Leach Field. This is the perfect time to have sewer systems checked out by a MPCA Cerfified Septic Professional at CSI Custom Septic Inc. to Avoid Frozen Sewer System this winter. Don’t for get to keep up with good Septic System Maintenance for all year round performance.


Avoid Frozen Sewer Systems

Some MN Septic Systems are more prone to freezing than others. For instance, a newly installed septic system that hasn’t had time to develop a good ground cover is more likely to freeze. Grass provides a natural insulation from cold temperatures. Believe it or not snow can also Protect Sewer Pipes From Freezing Up. Here are a few suggestions that won’t cost a lot of money but may save you from a costly septic problem:

  1. Natural Ground Cover such native grasses or low maintenance, drought tolerant perennials (you don’t have to mow grass in this area before winter)
  1. At least 8” of Organic Materials such as hay, fall leaves, mulch or straw piled on top of the septic tank, drain field area, septic mound and sewer pipe coming out of the house
  1. Snow can be left to cover over septic septic system components (early snow cover can provide good insulation from cold temps)
  1. Avoid Compacting Soil over septic systems by keeping foot traffic off of it (never drive on top of sewer systems)


Prevent Sewer Pipes From Freezing Up

There are Preventive Measures that property owners can do inside of the home to Prevent Sewer Pipes from Freezing Up during cold weather.

  • Repair drippy faucets or leaky toilets
  • Run the dishwasher with nice hot water
  • Take a hot shower or soak in a hot bath
  • Run hot or warm water through the pipes
  • Wash a load of laundry using hot or warm water
  • Have someone periodically use hot water at your seasonal cabin


MPCA Certified Septic Professional

Custom Septic Inc. (CSI) is a reliable MPCA Certified Septic Professional. We provide Septic System Inspections and Septic System Repairs to Avoid Frozen Sewer Pipes. Prevention is the best medicine. Good Septic System Maintenance and fall preparation can help to Prevent Frozen Sewer Systems this winter.

Give us a call at Custom Septic, Inc. (CSI) at 763-218-4769